sustainability at the show

For us, sustainability covers a broad range of areas, from financial and organisational sustainability to inclusivity, community collaboration and active waste management. Becoming a member of the Bellinger River Agricultural Society is a way of supporting your local show and helping ensure its viability into the future.

Sustainability at the Show

We're excited to build on our amazing sustainability success! In just two years, we've slashed our Show weekend landfill waste from 16 to 5 cubic metres, and we're aiming even higher for 2025. Look for our OzGREEN ReThink Waste stations around the showground, where our friendly volunteers will help you sort your waste and keep more materials out of landfill.

Going green has never been easier at the Bellingen Show! In 2024, our wonderful Show community helped divert over 700 single-use coffee cups from landfill. This year, grab a Mug Library cup from any coffee vendor onsite, or bring your own reusable cup. Simply return your borrowed mug to any coffee vendor or ReThink Waste station when you're done. And don't forget your water bottle – we've got two refill stations to keep you hydrated the sustainable way.

The 2025 Show features our expanded "Growing Together" program, now running for two full days in its own dedicated marquee. Join us for inspiring presentations and workshops that celebrate sustainable living and our community's bright future.

Every small action counts toward a better tomorrow. Together, let's make the 2025 Bellingen Show our greenest yet!

A sustainable, inclusive community event which reflects the past, celebrates the present and looks to the future.

Gumbaynggirr Wajaar / Gumbaynggirr Country by Aunty Lisa Kelly.

This artwork represents the mountains to the sea, where the saltwater meets the freshwater.

Want to support the show? Become a member!

Membership gives you:

  • Weekend pass

  • Discounted meal at the Luncheon Room

  • Free drink at the Bar

  • Entitles you to attend and vote in the election of office bearers at the Society AGM.

Membership is per person. Please note school age children are free.